Friday, September 10, 2010

Another Epidural.......I think NOT

So for those of you who know me close, you know I have been battling terrible headaches. I have always had migraines, but these headaches are the result from a epidural gone wrong while delivering Avery.

I went into the whole labor process with the mentality of not having the epidural. But since my labor hit me so fast and I was already a 6 by the time I realized I was indeed in labor, I was begging for it. Talk about an out of body experience. Any way, in the process the anesthesiologist gave me a post dural puncture(leaking spinal fluid), which cause a spinal headache that led to getting a blood patch (worse than labor might I add), which caused me to develop meningitis. I have seen a neurologist and there is nothing they can do. The headaches have gotten better but I still cannot bend over and let my head go past my knees and when I get onto the floor to play with my sweet Avery, it takes me a good minute or so for my head to stop pounding.

It brings me to tears to think that I had to lay in bed the first month of my daughters' life due to this stupid mistake and I am still not able to function 100%. I am tired of the headaches, the pain, and the inconvenience that these things have caused me. I am so angry about the entire situation. I have had so many people tell me to sue....Who has the time and the money. I am not that kind of person and what is suing someone going to fix. It will not take away the pain and will definitely not give me back Avery's first month. This is a VENT post and I needed to get this out. I deal with pain quite well, but this is getting old.

The situation was so bad that I do not want an epidural for my next delivery. I would rather be in that much pain then deal with the possibility of this happening again. I couldn't do it. Anyway, I got a beautiful healthy baby out of the whole process.

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