Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Jason's belated birthday post :(

So this is extremely late, but things have been really busy and hectic at our house. With football starting and cheer camp I have not had time to sit at the computer and update things. Good news is, I am starting to mark things off slowly but surely. So Jason's birthday was July 21, 2009 and we celebrated with just he and I. I took him to his favorite steak house "Saltgrass" and we came home and had cake. He had to work that day so we only had the evening together. It was low key and relaxed and that is what he likes. Every year we have a running tradition with his birthday present. I always get him the NCAA Football game for whatever game system he has. (I always forget and have to get a gift receipt) Anyway, this year I got him "Tiger Woods" and he loves it. As does our neighbor. So to my wanna be golf star, I love you babe and I am glad you had a wonderful birthday.

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