Sunday, August 16, 2009

When it rains, it pours...............

So today justifies and adds to the list of "Why I want the year 2009 to be done and gone". So Jas and I go to the movies to watch "Time Travelers Wife" and with only 20 minutes left, the movie melts and they are unable to fix it. The screen goes completely white. So we leave and get our money back thinking that lunch will make up for the movie. We walk into our regular weekend hot spot, "Chuy's" and there is a 45 minute wait. Might I remind you there is no one waiting and there are tables empty everywhere. I politely asked why such a long wait and they reply, "Our kitchen asked us to limit tables". So, once we finished eating and returned home, the topper on the cake hit me, a terrible headache. So I spent two and half hours lying in bed trying to rid myself of the pain. Now I know many of you are thinking, "Wow, this has ruined her year?". I promise there is more to my frustration then a melted movie and a long wait at Chuy's. Sometimes you feel like with ever corner you turn there is a wall and when it rains, it pours; well that is how I felt today. But this is one of those posts that I just needed to vent.

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