Sunday, December 11, 2011

Just a few thoughts

No pictures for this post, just wanting to share a few things. 

First, I know the movie and the book have been out for ages, but I just saw the movie this weekend while sitting on the couch.  THE HELP is one of the greatest movies I have seen in a long time.  I laughed, cried, shook my head in disbelief, and I have not stopped thinking about it all weekend.  Everyone needs to see this movie. 

Secondly, my poor baby has been sick with a nasty cold.  We have been on a roller coaster of off and on fever, deep coughing, and a nose that I cannot seem to catch.  Her poor little upper lip is raw along with her nose and I hate cleaning it out.  She stayed home Thursday and Friday and now she is staying home again on Monday.  I pray she shakes this cold soon because I am a mess with stress and worry about several things. 

Thirdly, I pray that my sister does well tomorrow after her surgery.  She is having an internal recording device placed in her chest to try to get a better idea of what is causing all her arrhythmia issues.  The device is not permanent so please keep her in your prayers. 

Lastly, I pray for holidays.  My heart has been heavy with knowing how many Angels have not been taken off the tree and how many people will go without this year due to many different circumstances.  I wish I had all the power in the world to make everyone comfortable on cold nights like tonight, but all we can do is pray for those in need.  In need of heat, a jacket, a warm meal, or just someone to talk to.  I thank my Heavenly Father each and everyday for the man who loves me unconditionally, the healthy baby that calls me momma, the family that cares about me, the job that I have that comes with some of the greatest co-workers, for those who consider me a friend, the roof over my head, the clothes on my back, and the food on my table.  I recognize each and everyday how blessed I am and I am grateful for that.

I want to always instill the true meaning of Christmas in Avery and have her experience the excitement that I get with just seeing our home decorated for the holidays or the playing of Christmas music shortly after Halloween!  It truly is the Spirit of Christmas that makes me happy, not what lies under the tree. 

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