Happy 17 Month Birthday beautiful Avery!
Another month down and so much to remember. As always you have been very busy; new friends, birthday parties, sleep over with Nana, Papa, and Aunt Lulu, new words, new favorite toys, and more teeth than we can handle. You are talking up a storm; most of the time I need a translator but I LOVE hearing your little voice get more and more persistant with each passing day. You truely make me and your daddy happy and having each other is the best gift that we can thank God for. Your smile, your voice, your facial expressions, and the way you love makes every day that much better. Here are some changes that you have made and some things you have been doing for months:
Diapers: Size 4
Cloths: 12 and 18-24 months
Shoes: Size 5
Teeth: To date you have 13 with three more coming in.
Words: Momma, Daddy, sissy, Maddie, Nana, Papa, WoWo (Lulu), Pawpaw (Papaw), Gg (Gigi), flower, bye-bye, peas (please), hank whoo (thank you), paci, Mimmi (Minnie), juice (meaning water because you hardly ever get juice), mik (you don't say the L), outside, Un-huh (yes), dog, ball, and medicine
You recognize mommy and daddy's car. Also you have learned to open doors, so thankfully we have chimes on our doors and great locks! You love to be outdoors; rain or shine. You don't mind getting dirty, but you love your bath time. You are a creature of habit, my fault probably, but you know my every move when are getting ready for bed, bath, dinner, etc. You now respond to us if we ask you if you want to go night night or take a nap. Most of the time you knod your head and say un-huh which I think is precious. You are a true advocate for brushing your teeth. We now have you a brush and paste in the upstairs bath and the master bath. You know think that because Mommy's new car has a tv screen built in, that Mimmi comes on everytime we get into the car. We have had many meltdowns due to this, but we stand our ground and distract you by telling you to look for cows! You still do the signs for more, food, drink, and all done, but now that you are talking more we are asking you to "use your words". You had Ella's and Emma's birthday parties to go too and had your first over night stay with someone other than mommy and daddy. You LOVE TO DANCE! (Which I am dancing now that I am writing it!) I would love for you to dance, but we will support whatever you want to do. But for now, we are loving watching you dance to every song that comes on. You bend to the side with one elbow in the air shaking! A must see! I know I am forgetting something so I will add to this as I remember!
Styling with her cute leggings!
New favorite thing to do is pull up her new chair that Daddy got her in Canton and read/color at the coffee table!
Avery finally got to wear her dress that her Aunt Suzy (Gigi's sister) got her in Paris! She looked adorable! Please ignore the bruise on her head. That was only the second injury report I had to fill out at church! They probably think she has balance issues or something and it is always her head.
Again at the table coloring! We have quite the artist here lately! We bring home several pictures a week of her colorings from Miss Holley's!
Helping daddy finish the patio ceiling! She has been watching Handy Manny!
After helping daddy, she was off to the front yard to help me in the flower beds. She likes putting the mulch in the watering can! Such a big help!
She made lots of new friends this month! Thank you dollar section at Target.
She went to her first pep rally (she went to lots of them while in my belly but this time she got to watch) at Centennial High School. Mommy dressed her in school colors; red, white, and blue for Homecoming week! She enjoyed watching the cheerleaders and dancers. Then she pointed to the door and said, bye, bye. I think she was ready to go.
Little People are now popular at the Glover house whole. She has several items on her Christmas list!
Which she has already started! She is looking through the Toys R Us ad that came in the mail!
Mommy got to ride the train at October Fest in McKinney with a very excited little girl. She was not quite sure at first but then started waving to everyone we passed.
Avery sliding at Emma's party!
Such a big girl!
Over the shoulder shot!
Watching for airplanes. This is really exciting here lately!
Still watching......ok, onto the next thing!
You are seeing what we do almost every night. Who needs the gym when spotting a 17 month old going up wooden stairs with 12 inch gaps in them and then sliding down the swirly slide by herself. Over and over and over again. She loves it so we love it!
I love the lighting on this picture. She is so full of life.
She is a ray of light that makes our day brighter and brighter.