Sunday, September 11, 2011


 I have been thinking about this post for a while now and once again I have waited till the last minute to write it because of the emotions put into it.  September 11 will be a day embedded into my memory forever for many reasons.  Each year I post something, but this year feels different.  The emotions I have right now are feelings of sadness and thankfulness.  Sadness for the unthinkable numbers of lives lost in 2001 and thankfulness that 29 years ago two people made a commitment that would result in a family and for the phone call in 2009 that changed my life forever.  So you can see why this day brings so much emotion for so many different events in my life.  I will first start with........

September 11, 2001: 
 I think this picture represents what our country is still feeling 10 years later.  All we can do is pray.  Ten years ago I was coming out of my Senior English class with Ms. Moser and was told by another student that a plane had hit a building in New York.  I would only later understand the magnitude of that statement as my peers and teachers stayed glued in front of the television for days.  I remember feeling scared and panicked about what to do.  Looking back on the pictures and reading the numerous recollections of the events that took place that day affect me more now than when I was 18 years old.  I know now how it has effected me, my children, and our country as a whole forever.   One thing I struggle with is thinking of the lives lost, the families destroyed, and the nightmares that will never end for everyone affected.  It is almost like you hold your breath when the day approaches to mark another year gone by in fear of something else happening.
Another memory I have is when activities resumed at school in the following weeks.  Nate Hale, holding an American flag, ran out with the football team and we stood in a standing ovation to remember those who lost their lives.  The picture made the front page of the Herald Democrat and still when I see that picture I get chills.  I also remember where I was the day President Bush declared war.  I was sitting with Jason and Cody in San Marcus, Texas getting ready to head to the Austin Airport to fly back to Lubbock from Spring Break.  Out of all the tearful good-byes Jason and I had before we got married this was the hardest one.  I cried so hard I could not even open my eyes and I stood in the entrance of the airport trying to get control of myself.  He was rushed away by guards due to the high security and I just stood there watching him drive away.  I will never forget the armed guard, holding a machine gun, walking up to me and asking if I was alright.  I could not even look him in the eye, I just nodded my head.  So today I remember the 343 firefights who lost their lives and the 2, 634 others who fell victim to such a selfish act.  Today at church we had two guest speakers; a courageous young mother who became a widow with a 16-month old after she lost her husband in tower one and a General for the Air Force who was in the Pentagon at the time of the attack.  Both individuals showed perseverance and strength that they could only have through their faith.    
This is probably the most famous picture of all that was seen on every magazine cover.  I continue to pray for the families who lost a love one and will pray from here on out.  I pray for the men and women of our great country who continue to fight for our freedom at the expense of their families and at times their own lives.  I pray for our leaders to guide us in a path of least destruction and regain focus of what really matters. 

Side note:  Last Sunday at church, Kelly Shackelford, President and CEO of Liberty Institute, a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting freedoms and strengthening families, spoke about how there will be no mentioning of God at the ceremony for the anniversary this year.  I thought to myself, "How sad?".  Whether they like it or not, God will be there.  Also on display, on loan from the McKinney FD, was a piece of the World Trade Center.  It amazed me how a simple piece of metal could evoke such great emotion from a congregation.  Just looking at the object made my heart hurt and tears roll down my face.  To be so close to something so tragic really opened my eyes.  I pray for our great country on the 10th year after September 11.   

September 11, 1982:
 Mr. and Mrs. David and Susan Burrus

I have been blessed with two of the most amazing parents.  They have loved me unconditionally throughout my life and I am forever grateful for that.  Now I get to watch their love pour over my daughter in abundance.  Happy 29th Anniversary and here is to 29 more! 

 Tri Delta Ceremony 2002
 Destin, Florida 2011

September 11, 2009:
 I was driving home after a pep rally to change clothes and turn right around and head back to the game.  I looked down and saw I had a missed call from Doctor Laden's office and my heart skipped a beat.  (I had to have blood drawn that Wednesday and Friday morning to determine if my HCGLaden's nurse and I did not want to make you wait through the weekend.  I wanted to call and tell you that your numbers not only doubled, but tripled and you are indeed pregnant.  Please call Monday to set up your first OB appointment.  Congrats."  And the tears started rolling, so heavy I had to pull over before heading home.  I called Jason and barely got the words out.  This all came after having a miscarriage one month prior.  My mind still wonders about if it were twins, etc. due to the fact that Avery was born five weeks early at eight pounds.  I can only imagine what five more weeks would have done to me!  I look back now and could not imagine what life would be like without Avery.  Everything happens for a reason and God put Avery in my life to teach me many things.  And she is doing just that!  I love her with all my heart and I am forever thankful for God's blessing.  She came to Jason and I when we needed her most and turned our pain into pure joy.

One of my favorite pictures of her the day she was released from the NICU.  She is saying, "Peace out!  I'm going home!"  Our little miracle baby!

So for the rest of my life September 11th will hold mixed emotions for the events that have directly and indirectly shaped my life.

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