Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy 23 Month Birthday

 Happy 23 Month Birthday sweet baby girl!

This month has brought little change.  Miss Avery is still as independent as ever with saying such as, "I do it mommy, or I help......"  We did however pee pee in the potty twice!  It is a start and I was so excited.  I ran into the game room, grabbed the phone and called daddy!  She had ice cream that night!!!!!  That was our milestone this month.  She is talking more here lately and it is starting to make more sense.  I cannot believe that Avery will be 2 at the end of this month.  The way she sits in her chair, the way she looks at me, and the everything in between is changing into a little girl but she will always be my baby.  I can remember when she was so tiny, she would scoot up right under my chin and that was where she was content.  Occasionally she will lay like that when I read to her at night and I just melt.  It amazes me how even though she is growing so fast there are still little things she does that remind me of the most earliest memories.  She fills my heart with such happiness and joy.  I had a moment the other day paying for something for Avery's birthday that I had monogrammed and the cashier was commenting on how cute the item was and what a lucky little girl she was.  I replied, "Her daddy and I are the lucky ones!"  Our prayers at night are quite long, we mention a lot of things, but one of the first things I say is thanking God for making Jason and I Avery's parents.  She gives us purpose and we are forever grateful for her.  The next time I do this my miracle baby will be 2 and I just don't know what to think of that.  Until then........
 Loving her trampoline
 Happy girl
 Just a swinging
 Love this face.
 Jumping with a book!  Classic!
 Busy baby
 Dancing to her own drum
 So true!
 "Taloring" Pronounced Ta-lor-in.  (Coloring)
Note: these capris where pants last year.  Wow!

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