Friday, June 10, 2011

Karley's Birthday Party

Avery goes to school with Karley who celebrated her 3rd Birthday recently!  Avery had a blast playing with all the kids she goes to school with, MJ and Karley, and many of Karley's friends from gymnastics.  Avery had a ball and was so excited to play with all the little ones!  Thanks Karley for inviting us!  

Avery can now reach Momma's bathroom drawer and her favorite "new toy" is my tooth brush.  Yay!

 Avery is wondering if we got everything in the beach bag for the party??????
 Forget the party, where are the dogs!!!!!!!  Avery thinks every animal is a dog right now and she gets so excited when she can pet them.  Maybe because her dog hides from her.......:(
 So me and MJ's momma, Jill, are already planning their first date!!!!!!!!  These two love to be around each other.  Literally you say MJ's name and Avery starts looking around for him.  It is the cutest thing!  They go to "school" together.
 Picking up the paper, not to put in the trash, but to play with.  Awww!  The simple things in life!
 Moving to the backyard for the pool, trampoline, and chalk!  Avery loves, loves, loves the water!
 MJ getting as much grass on him as possible!  These little ones move ninety to nothing!
 Sweet baby
 Avery giving the Birthday girl, Karley, advice on where to put the water!  Karley is in deep thought!
 Running on the trampoline with MJ and Delaney!  This did not last long.
Last but not least the chalk!  She would rather eat it rather than write on the concrete.  Oh well!  She had a ball!

1 comment:

The Hopewells!!!! said...

Ok a couple of questions!! First, where did you get her pink dress? I LOVE it!! And next, where did you get her water shoes?? I'm hoping to load up on all her summer gear for NEXT summer when everything goes on sale at the end of this summer!!!