Monday, July 23, 2012

Surprise 30th Birthday Jason

In 14 years I have never been able to pull off a surprise of any sort for Jason.  So this year I was determined, if he was home, to have a surprise 30th Birthday party for him and I am happy to say that I pulled it off!  I had my mom, Jason's mom, my friend Tami, good friend Chad and everyone else under the sun in on the surprise.  I could not have pulled it off without them!  He was so surprised and really felt special!  Thank you to all who came and help us celebrate and those who sent sweet messages for not being able to attend.  We had a great turn out and I loved that he thought nothing of it.  It was a Dirty Thirty party with stick on mustaches and sombreros with a Fiesta Flare!  We had fajitas catered out, margaritas, pinatas, cactus necklaces, and all of Jason's favorites; milk dudes, sweet tarts, and chocolate chip cookies!  He always does things like this for me and it was about time I got him! 
 So I sent him and his life saving friend Chad out in the hottest part of the day to play golf.  I had to twist both of their arms but I owe Chad big time.  This happened because he got Jason out of the house and away for five hours!  Yes, we set up, got ready, and everyone was here in that time frame.
 The mariachi man my parents got Jason!  I added his balloon!
 Getting the table set up!
 Because of my short notice April was unable to do his cake, bummer, but the cake was delicious!
 Favorite candy!

 Wuwu and Ave, who was not awake yet!
 No fiesta is complete without a cheesy pepper from Party City for $1!
 Showing Chad the new crown molding and opened the door to all of us!  He did not know what to say or do!  Speechless!
 Ave was so excited to see the birthday boy!

 Avery showing Landry how to play!

 Helping daddy blow out his candles!  I bet I know what he wished for!
 Some of the party goers!
 After everyone left, he opened his presents and ..........
 Avery thought she needed a tutu on for the occasion!
 Close up!
 Love her face!
 Then she needed to stand like mommy!  Such a funny kid.
Creepy mustache birthday boy and Avery was not sure of him! 

I love you with all my heart and I hope you had a great birthday!  You deserve the world!  I hope your 30s are as fun and blessed as your 20s!

1 comment:

The Hopewells!!!! said...

hahahahaha! Jason with his mustache and Avery made me laugh out loud. Scott has a slight obsession with mustaches, hence his party theme. We have several pictures of Scott holding C with his mustache and making faces like that. Super creepy!!! You did a great job and I hope y'all had a blast!