Saturday, November 16, 2013

Fall Happenings

Fall has been busy.  Setting up the house, changing things, work, starting a business, Avery's school activities, planning holiday get togethers in advance, Fall festivals, playing with friends, play dates, etc.  You name we have tried to fit it in.  We love to be on the go, but we love our down time too and I feel like we have had the both of best worlds.  I have really enjoyed the last couple of months considering the summer we had.  Baby was a blessing but Dad was sick, the move, Avery getting hurt, should I say more?
Avery had her first sleep over and the poor girl sleep right through her friends, our sweet neighbors, going home.  She woke up in a daze!  Party hard, sleep harder!
Finally got some Twinkle Toes!  She was pumped!
School Picture
Baking Pumpkin bread like twice a week......starting putting Chocolate Chips in after seeing it on Pinterest......awesome!
I am so super thankful for both of my girls and I always want them to know that.  So for the month of November I have been putting a I am thankful note in Avery's lunchbox and they are all about her!  She loves them and refuses to throw them away so I have been saving them for her to have down the road.  Just like her mother!
I fought Strep Throat a few weeks ago and I never want it again.  Terrible.  That's all.  And I'm glad we all got our flu shots, minus Ans because she is too young, and that no one else in the family got it.  I was miserable.
How am I suppose to lose weight with this combo?????  I have hardly had any ice cream though.  I do step on the scale too much though.....just a daily reminder that I just think about the ice cream and I gain a few.  Ugh!

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