Monday, January 7, 2013

Lay it on my Heart

So one of my New Year's resolutions was not so much a resolution but a commitment to my faith.  I have so loved working in our church and having a devotional time with my co-workers everyday, but I needed more.  I made a priority to find a devotional that I can focus on outside of work and that I can share with my husband and family.  I found the perfect one, "Trusting God Day by Day" by Joyce Meyer.  I love it so far.  Obviously I am only 7 days in, but so far all the devotionals have been things that I need to work on.  Here are two of my favorite ideas thus far:

(The following ideas are taken straight from the text, written by the author.)

1.  If I wake up feeling energetic and excited about the day, I rarely announce it to everyone I come in contact with; however, if I feel tired and discouraged, I want to tell everyone.  It has taken me years to learn that talking about how I feel increased the intensity of those feelings.  So it seems to me that we should keep quiet about the negative feelings and talk about the positive ones.

2.  Jesus said He came so that we might have and enjoy life (see John 10:10).  If we refuse to enjoy it, then it's no one's fault but our own.  I would like to suggest that you take responsibility for your joy and never again give anyone else the job of keeping you happy. 

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